
The North African firm renewed its assets and increased its production capacity.

Firm in the hydrocarbons sector  (Morocco)
(we respect our client’s right to privacy by not mentioning their name)

Italian firm specialised in the production of gas storage and transport cylinders
(we respect the firm’s right to privacy by not mentioning their name)

Collaborations – Technological updates:
Supply of complete line for the production of steel disks


The Moroccan firm producing GPL cylinders needed to renew part of their antiquated assets, above all to increase their production capacity which had reached saturation, while market demand for cylinders continued to increase.

The issue

One of the bottlenecks which slowed the workflow was identified right at the beginning of the production chain:  the deep drawing line could work overtime but the flow of steel disks which fed it was very reduced.


The North African firm asked the Italian firm to supply a complete new line for cutting of disks, beginning with steel ribbon. The Italian firm is a global leader in the production of hydraulic and mechanical moulding machines.

Our task

After initial contacts with the Moroccan firm, the Italian firm asked us to oversee the relationship with their client.

Indeed, in Africa, our collaboration with the Italian firm has consolidated over several years and has grown locally through dozens of projects completed successfully.

Our technical and engineering knowledge of blade production, together with the Italian firm’s outstanding experience creates a package which is certain to be of interest for any entrepreneur wishing to invest in modern technologies by relying on a partner able to guarantee machinery and equipment with high standards of quality and reliability.



Immediately after initial contacts with the Moroccan firm, our specialists launched the preliminary study for the project, analysing the client’s needs in terms of disk quantity, size and quality of material necessary. They also outline theoretical configuration of the proposed production line:

  • System control line for moulding machine (ribbon feed)
  • Mechanical moulding machine
  • Moulds for cutting (2 or 3 quincunx imprints)
  • Other line control systems (disk extraction carpets)

Draft project

We have designed the moulds by opting for equipment that would allow quincunx cutting in order to reduce scrap to a minimum of two or three disks at every hit, with the application of integrated scrap cutting knives and preparation for inserting the disk labelling system.

With this solution, it was possible to calculate theoretical production efforts required to determine the force necessary for moulding machine production, as well as the minimum dimensions to receive moulds.

Economic quantification

Using this initial analysis, we were able to provide the Italian client with information necessary for them to identify the most appropriate choice, within their machinery range.  Making use of the experience of our qualified external specialists, our staff then analysed economic quantification of the cost of the moulds.

Choice of partners

At the same time, our specialists have launched and managed the contacts with our partners supplying the planned control systems, to size and define the feed line for the steel ribbon above the moulding machine, defined as follows:

  • Motorised decoiler with presser arm;
  • Loading cradle for steel coils;
  • Straightening motor with “crocodile” opening, system to assist insertion of ribbon in the moulding machine and electronic advancement;
  • Motorised belts for disk extraction.

Having defined the overall project, we prepared a proposal for moulds, feeding line and extraction reels, while the Italian firm drafted the technical and financial proposal for the moulding machine.


Integrated offer

Having presented the full project to the Moroccan client, we then oversaw the complex technical-commercial negotiation stage until we received confirmation that supply would be entrusted to our consortium.

Planning and the test

Our specialists then moved on to the executive planning stage and construction of the moulds, assigning the order to trusted specialised workshops.  The Italian firm built the moulding machine while the other partners produced all other components for the line.

Logistics, implementation and formal acceptance

At the Italian client’s factory,  we successfully tested the complete line.  We then organised and coordinated transport to the client abroad, sending all the staff required for installation and implementation at the [end] client’s factory.

Having completed implementation, we prepared all formal statements of definitive acceptance.


We still assist the Moroccan firm for all their needs in terms of ordinary and extraordinary maintenance for the machinery and equipment. We also supply spare parts and consumables both for the line provided and other assets already held by the firm, providing retrofitting solutions as necessary.

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