Turnkey services

The value we offer

What can we do for you if you have a firm in Africa, South East Asia or Latin America or if you want to begin exporting to this area?

We can assist you to produce whatever you want in developing nations which are also growth markets.


We have many years of experience in manufacturing production in the mechanical and electro-mechanical sectors and we make this available to entrepreneurs worldwide who wish to grow along with the economy of their country.
Often in these countries you must emancipate yourself from imports by beginning industrial production of a wide variety of products and utensils for the internal market, before growing and launching export lines to nearby countries or meeting the demand of industrialised nations which are geographically far. The skill must come from abroad, provided by specialists who have been developing industrial production systems for years. The work of Soluzioni Tecnologiche Italiane consists precisely in providing technology, machinery, utensils, skill, training and business management consultancy to entrepreneurs who wish to grow in these countries with their own firms using updated and competitive methods for the globalised world.

Laws and bureaucracy

We have great familiarity with the bureaucracy of these countries as well as knowing how to obtain local and foreign suppliers to launch production.

We know the policies and laws regulating exports from these countries, as well as imports and internal distribution.


Our consolidated knowledge

Today we place our engineering and commercial experience at the disposal of those who produce or wish to begin producing in countries where the industrial economy is starting out and spreading rapidly.

Thus if you have a firm in Africa, Asia or South America or you intend to export your production to that area, also gaining new clients, we can help by providing you a complete service. With our help, you can begin an export line to a totally new market. If you are a local entrepreneur, you can multiply the productivity of lines you already manage, through retrofit of the technologies available to you, or adding new ones.


Africa is close

Why North Africa? North Africa is relatively close to Italy and offers many advantages to those who wish to export production, especially to serve African markets or generate export lines from here to other countries with a very competitive policy.

all around the world


Our business is based on research and planning, as well as the supply of systems and means of production.  This is the most important service we can provide to our clients. We study and develop machinery, systems and production chains.

Trading and services

Your production and your business can always expand and will constantly need supplies, which come from far away, unless they can be found in the country where you operate. We will be your international procurement manager and create a constantly updated network of suppliers for you.


Collaboriamo da anni con le migliori realtà europee del nostro comparto portando tecnologia europea in tutto il mondo in modo che le imprese nostre clienti possano sempre disporre di forniture che siano lo stato dell’arte di ciò che è disponibile sul mercato

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