
Your production and your business will constantly grow and always need more and more supplies coming from far away, even outside the country where you are operating.


You will need several suppliers in order always ensure the best price without having to rely on non-specialised intermediaries and brokers who are unable to ensure constant quality supplies.


Turn to us; we will be your international procurement manager create a constantly updated network of suppliers. This “funnel” will allow you to manage all negotiations personally and directly.



This activity is also part of our consultancy services. For your specific needs, we will look for the right network of firms to supply everything required for your production lines, including raw materials, such as aluminium steel, brass, zinc in blade, disks, ingots, bars or threads and consumables, such as lubricants, detergent, abrasives, welding wires and every other consumable product indispensable to your industrial activity.

Supplies from abroad

With our support, everything will be simplified and your supply lines will never be blocked.


Direct management of negotiations

You can manage relationships with the suppliers directly, according to your own managerial and relationship style.


We will be your consultancy and purchasing centre and you will always have access to the very best available on the market.


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